24/7 Support: 503.325.5735
Text or Chat
Need to talk to someone and not in a safe place for a phone call? Intimidated by making phone calls? Have questions about a friend or family member whose situation has you concerned? Feeling as if you’re not sure where to turn?
We understand that calling us on the phone may be intimidating, especially if you have never spoken to anyone about the abuse before. If you don’t feel comfortable talking with an advocate over the phone or it is not safe for you to call, please use our private, secure IM-style chat service to connect with a trained, confidential advocate. We can provide you with emotional support, information about local resources, or to make plans around your safety. You do not need to download any programs to use our chat and everything you say will be completely confidential.
Chat services are available to anyone experiencing domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking. We also welcome those who are seeking help or have questions about unhealthy dynamics within their relationship. Family members and friends who have loved ones who are experiencing domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking are invited to chat with an advocate to gather information, resources, and support.
Advocates are available to chat or text (503-325-5735) with you Monday-Friday from 10am-5pm.